What I love about L'Arche is that it's like having a big extended family.”


Our Mission

Since 1987

The message of L’Arche is essentially that through entering into relationship with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities our world can see an example of how to be transformed, one person at a time, into a more peaceful and compassionate society.

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Who We Are

L'Arche Heartland focuses on relationships and recognizes that every individual regardless of his or her ability has a gift to share with our world.  Through sharing daily life, we strive to discover and share these gifts with the broader community of Johnson County.  We gather regularly as a community to foster relationship with one another as we create a place of belonging for people of all abilities.

Special thanks to our corporate sponsors and partners!


Event Calendar

Join us for a community night, L’Arche Out Loud, or dance night. We’d love to have you. Scroll through our calendar to explore all of our upcoming events.


Our Programs



L’Arche Heartland shares daily life across five homes with seventeen core members (adults with intellectual disabilities).  Core members share these homes with assistants (men and woman without intellectual disabilities who choose to share a season of their lives living in mutual relationships with core members).  Core members and assistants all contribute to the rhythm and life of the home, planning menus together, shopping, preparing meals, completing household responsibilities, as well as leisure activities.  Our houses are vibrant places full of laughter, music, and prayer.             


In 2008, L’Arche Heartland branched into providing day service supports by opening L’Arche Academy.  Core members and assistants gather five days a week to pursue activities focused on creative expression.  Each core member can choose individual interests that he/she would like to more fully develop.  Examples of activities include: visual arts, music, journaling, story writing, reading skills, math skills, foreign language, puzzles, and games.

Green Express Studio

With a desire to diversify our day service supports as well as increase our presence in the local area, the Green Express Studio became a part of L’Arche Heartland in 2015.  Across our two day service options we create meaningful daytime activity for thirty core members.  Green Express Studio teaches employment skills, life skills, and cares for the environment as we form




Business Recycling Program

L’Arche Heartland has partnered with the Johnson County Department of Health and Environment to expand our network of local business for our door-to-door recycling service.

By welcoming a small group of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities into their workplaces on a weekly basis to collect their recycling, these business partners are helping us move towards realizing the vision of a paid employment option for the persons in our day service.


Get Involved

Whether you are interested in joining our community as an assistant, building relationships with us as a volunteer, or sharing your gifts as a member of our board, there are numerous ways you can become a part of L’Arche Heartland accomplishing our mission. We are excited to welcome you!


Volunteer opportunities

We have numerous staff and volunteer positions available. Click to find out more.

Shop L’Arche Merchandise

Purchase an item from our store to help us fundraise.

Make a Donation

Contribute to our community and help us accomplish our mission.